Hold That Cow Boys!!!


We are a creative family of creatures and hope to surround you with a little bit of wisdom and fun and everything nice.

Please come and browse a little. We have a variety of interests from Real Estate, Hand Made Designs in Home Decor and Jewelry also Hot Rod and Classic Auto Restoration. Then we add our Family and Pets for the loving touch.

Thanks for taking the journey with us,

It's A Good Life!

Happy Trails


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Term of Endearment "Meat Head"

So, if you’ve ever watched “All in the Family” you’ll know that Archie called his son-in-law Meathead. It was a term of endearment, kind of. OK, so it wasn’t a term of endearment at all, but that is how I mean it toward my own son-in-law. Now why would I dedicate a sewing link to him, you might ask? Well, my daughter is a wonderful housewife (her preferred terminology) who takes care of their every need and their 3 children. She cooks, she cleans, she volunteers with the cub scouts and girl scouts, she is a very talented artist and a college graduate who gave up her career so he could pursue his Air Force career. Despite all of those wonderful qualities, and some not so wonderful ones, but hey, who’s perfect? Despite all of that, he still thinks that the end-all, be-all of housewifery is a woman who can sew an outfit for the kids. Crazy? Yes. But that’s my son-in-law. He constantly compares her lack of sewing skills to my expertise in the seamstress business. Yes, I can design and cut my own patterns and make an authentic 1880’s reenactment costume, but she can change the oil in her car. She got some of my artistic abilities and a lot of G’s logic and we do, after all, call her our middle son. So, to poke a little fun at my son-in-law, T, I’ve decided to share some of my sewing projects with you here. Don’t worry about me giving him too hard of a time, we’re good like that. Since I don’t have anything ready to share with you just yet, check out this blog http://newdressaday.wordpress.com/. What a creative girl! She’s up-cycling her thrift store finds with a limit of $1.00 per day for 365 days. Just shows you what an open mind can accomplish.

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